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UniverSoulLight Consulting
Astrology Report Description Pages
This report makes a good gift or practical joke! It pokes fun at the person and keeps you laughing and often because they are accurate too. Art Poppe, author of this report, likes to poke fun especially at the sexual side of the person, and the language is rather raw and is designed strictly for adults.
Accurate and Exact Birth Information is necessary for this report.
Category: Natal
Sub-category: Specialized
Number of People: 1
Average # of Pages: 5
Avail for Birth Time Known?: Yes
Price – Birth Time Known : $10.10
Avail for Birth Time Unknown?: No
Price – Birth Time Unknown: -
Sample PDF Report:
About the Author(s):
Art Poppe is the author of Naughty Natal as well as several other astrology reports.
Art is a dedicated researcher and practitioner of astrology. He is a full-time astrological consultant and writer. He has extensively researched political astrology and numerology, as well as many other areas of astrology.
Art is also a professional musician. Born August 22, 1946 at 4:10 PM in Manhattan, N.Y.
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