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UniverSoulLight Consulting
Astrology Report Description Pages
This report covers the basics rather than a detailed in-depth interpretation and is a truncated version of a longer report written by authors Gina Ronco and Agnes Nightingale.
This Report interprets the essential factors used in modern western astrology: the planets in zodiac signs and houses, the rising sign, and the aspects between the planets.
This report is available in these languages for KNOWN Birth Time: English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, German, Norwegian, Swedish, Japanese & Italian. Languages for UNKNOWN Birth Time: English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, German, Norwegian & Italian.
Please Note: an accurate birth time is need for the interpretation of the rising sign and planets in houses, but an “Unknown Time or “no birth time” version is also available; it just leaves out those details and the report may be a shorter number of pages.
Category: Natal
Sub-Category: General
Number of People: 1
Average # of Pages: 5-10
Avail for Birth Time Known?: Yes
Price – Birth Time Known: $10.10
Avail for Birth Time Unknown?: Yes
Price – Birth Time Unknown: $10.10
Sample PDF Report:
Sample PDF Chart:

About the Author(s):
Gina Ronco began her study of astrology and metaphysics in the early 1970's, and has been a practicing astrologer since 1977.
She is also a flower essence practitioner and energy healer. Her present interests include investigating the connection between art and healing.
Originally a purist who was dubious about the value of computerized astrology (except for calculation), Gina is now enthusiastic about creating high-quality astrological reports. Born in Miami, Florida on December 18, 1955 at 10:32 PM, she has lived in Florida most of her life.
Agnes Nightingale is the author of the CosmoBiology Report. She is also the editor of some of our report options.
Agnes began her study of astrology in the mid 1960's and became a Cosmobiologist in 1972. She was born April 13, 1928 at 9:09 PM in Fitchburg, MA, but was destined to spend a number of years in Germany where she received all of her education. After returning to the U.S.A. in 1946 she worked as an accountant for many years and later pursued astrology as a hobby.
In the mid 1970's Agnes turned her hobby into a business, practicing astrology and conducting classes at her home. She attended Herkimer County Community College and later taught evening courses there, including astrology, cosmobiology and Conversational German. Agnes lives in Herkimer, NY with her husband Richard. Semi-retired since the late 1980's, she now spends most of her time exploring various astrological techniques with her computer.
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